100+ Creative Photography Ideas

Carmen Polanco Lugo

August 26, 2022

Carmen Polanco Lugo

Consider using different techniques of photography when looking for creative photography to spice up your photography. For instance, you could try posing, light painting, scanners, and word photography. These techniques are sure to help you come up with some stunning photos. Listed below are a few examples. Try any of them out, and you’ll soon be amazed by the results.

Light painting

Light painting is a technique that involves projecting light into a scene. This technique has been popular since the 1960s and works on both moving and still surfaces. It’s a great way to create a unique photograph.

Scanner photography

There are numerous ways to create beautiful, dramatic images using your scanner. For example, you can scan a photograph of a rose or another object. While a white object placed directly on the scanner glass can look too light, moving bar scanning can make the objects look softer. Also, remember that anything placed too far away will be pretty dark.


Posing your subject is one of the essential photography skills. However, posing can be challenging, especially in stressful situations. That’s why it’s essential to know at least five fundamental poses that can be used as a basis for more complicated poses. In addition, these tips for posing individuals, groups, and couples can help create more memorable photographs.

Creating a starburst

When creating a starburst effect in photography, there are several factors that you will need to keep in mind. First, you will need to consider your Point of Interest. This can be anything from a building, a tree, or even a person. In addition, you will need to keep your composition simple and free from distracting elements. Also, adjust your ISO, shutter speed, and aperture to get the best results.

Changing background bokeh

If you’re interested in changing the background in your photos, several creative ideas can help you get the desired effect. Bokeh is a technique that uses the lens’s physical properties and light to blur out the background. Some photographers will try to fake the effect with creative editing, but these techniques are no substitute for natural bokeh.

Adding reflections

Adding reflections to your photos can create an exciting composition and help you to isolate your subject. The trick is to make the reflection the focus of your photograph rather than the whole scene. You should use a tripod and a wide aperture, if possible. In addition, it helps to have a foreground in your shot, which helps to match the reflection to the horizon.

Changing composition

As a photographer, changing the composition of your photos can make your images more pleasing and exciting to look at. You can use several techniques to change the composition of your photos. One such technique is rearranging the objects in your photograph to have different heights and widths. This is a common photography technique that many photographers use to create more interesting images.